Croatian translation services
We offer Croatian to English translation as well as English to Croatian translations for any number of industries and fields.
We offer Croatian to English translation as well as English to Croatian translations for any number of industries and fields.
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It's important to know that despite the fact that the languages of Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro are mutally intelligible, the languages of each of these ethnic groups are considered separate languages. Croatian language, as well as the rest, became major political tools for establishing independence and "differences" from their counterparts, both during and after the dissolution of Yugoslavia. While spoken "Serbo-Croatian" is understood by all of the aforementioned nationals, a Croatian to English translation cannot be substituted for, or by, any of the others: Bosnian, Montenegrin or Serbian translation. In other words, the languages of each native group are treated as separate languages.
This must be regarded if you need English to Croatian translation for any business document, sales and marketing, or anything else translated for a Croatian audience. It would be offensive to also use a Bosnian or Serbian translation for Croatian audiences. Not to mention, written Croatian is strictly in Latin, while the other languages also use Cyrillic in addition to Latin. Since translations are always transcribed, it would be immediately apparent to any native Croat if a Bosnian or Serbian translation was duplicated for Croatian audiences. That is definitely what not to do for a professional Croatian translation.
Terming the Croatian language can be a bit tricky, as some natives find the term "Serbo-Croatian" to be offensive or controversial. In diplomatic circles, the languages of Croatian, Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro are simply called "Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian" - a mouthful to say, and simply impractical on an informal level. As far as our translators and translation service are concerned, it's probably best left at simply "Croatian," when terming the language of Croatia.
We offer Croatian to English translation as well as English to Croatian translations for any number of industries and fields. It is especially critical to ensure accuracy in medical and legal translation services, where any small mistake could result in severe consequences or outcomes. Business documents needing English to Croatian translation or Croatian to English for specific industries, specialized fields, or which require technical translation skills and expertise should always undergo proofreading and QA best practices.
A heavy demand for Croatian to English translation comes from the Croatian tourism industry. 70% of the country's GDP comes from outside tourism - over 11 million tourists visited Croatia in 2007. Other common documents include birth certificates, passports, and materials required to pass through customs, which cause demands for English to Croatian translation; likewise from businessmen traveling for both business and pleasure.
Professional translation for energy, electricity and gas production/distribution - HEP is a national Croatian electricity and energy provider which is focal in the country's economic development, and also reflective of gas and electric energy as one of Croatia's top industries. Croatian to English translation of business documents for the electric energy and gas industries also often find their way to our Croatian translators, most of whom have specialized areas of expertise and industry-specific knowledge within Croatian translation and localization.
Pharmaceutical and prescription translation, as well as medical research and medical translations are also popular, due to the acquisition of Pliva by a U.S. company in 2006 - it is the largest investment in Croatia by a foreign investor, and the largest foreign U.S. business investment in the entire region.
Telecom - Ericsson Nikola Tesla is the largest provider of telecom products and services in Central and Eastern Europe. Telecom translation from Croatian to English, and English to Croatian are also high in demand.
Of course there are many types of Croatian translations that find their way to our translation company and our translators, and because of the breadth of our translator network, we are always able to assist clients, even for very specific or technical translation services. Please use our menu to the left to obtain an instant quote for Croatian translation, or simply email us at
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reasonably priced"
A translation company well equipped with knowledge of hundreds of different languages - speedy return & reasonably priced.
"Tomedes has been nothing but kind, knowledgeable and efficient!"
Tomedes has been nothing but kind, knowledgeable and efficient!...Everything was seamless! I trusted Tomedes so much they’re now working...with an even bigger project: interpreting a multi-language Zoom meeting!
"Tomedes is a high quality translation provider."
I am very satisfied with Tomedes's work ethic, organization, attention to detail, and customer support. They are quick to respond to feedback which was beneficial to the improvement of our localization program. We highly recommend Tomedes for localization projects in multiple languages.
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